
Maternity Services

For Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

Non-urgent advice: Call the maternity triage team immediately If you think you are in labour or your baby’s movements have slowed down or stopped

01872 258000

Do not put off calling until the next day to see what happens

There will be someone to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Antenatal (or Prenatal) care


Care during your pregnancy (antenatal or prenatal care).

What to do when I first find out I’m pregnant

Book your first appointment, set up your Electronic Personal Health Record (ePHR), stay healthy.

How to self refer to Maternity Services

Register with Maternity Services and set up your Electronic Personal Health Record (ePHR).

Be part of research

Maternity, obstetrics and neonatal clinical research trials, taking part, contact details and closed trials.

Labour and birth

Labour and birth

Your options and preferences for giving birth.

Wards and Birth Units

Delivery suite, wards and birth units in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Postnatal care

Postnatal care

After the birth.

The Infant Feeding Team

Specialist support with feeding your baby.

Who to call, visiting and appointments information

Who to contact

If you have concerns or complications


Visiting details

Further information

Maternity Service at Royal Cornwall Hospitals

The Maternity department at Royal Cornwall Hospitals cares for people who are pregnant before, during and after the birth of their babies. Each year we look after over 4000 women and their babies. Our friendly and professional team is made up of midwives, consultants, nurses and health workers.

Graphic: National B.A.M.E Health and Care Awards Certificate, 2019 Winner

UNICEF accreditation

We’re extremely proud that Maternity services achieved full UNICEF Baby Friendly accreditation in 2012, and our neonatal team in 2019. Together, we’re now working towards the UNICEF Gold award. More information about the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative.

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